Saturday, January 16, 2016

Romeo o' Romeo - Chapter 5

People nowadays think that the opposite of love is hate.  That the more you love someone, the less you are likely to hate them, and vice versa.  But that assumption is not entirely true.  As a matter of fact, that assumption is completely wrong.  Love and Hate can coexist.  You can love and hate something at the same time.  It may be for different reasons; or perhaps even the same one.  

Take your wife for example.  I’m sure you love her for who she is.  But I’m also sure that there was a day when you hated here for exactly who she is.  Now, that love didn’t go away when you started to hate her, otherwise you would have left her right then and there.  It’s just that your love and hate for your wife coexisted at that exact same time.  It doesn’t happen all the time, but I think it is wise for us to realize that hate is an essential part in our relationships.  Hating someone but still realizing that you love them is something that I much rather have than loving someone because you have never hated them.

Phil was sitting outside the Donut shop sipping on a hot coffee under the diminishing light of the sun when I arrived.

“Where’s my coffee Phil?”

“Oh Marcus. Done already? I thought it would take much longer so I didn’t order yours yet.  Wouldn’t want you munching on cold bread and sipping on stale coffee.  Let me get you your stuff in a bit.”

“It’s ok Phil. We have to go. I’ll just grab some coffee on the way.”

“Go where?”

“Ms. Chan. Office hours is almost up, she should be home in about an hour or so.”

“Ok. Let me get the car, while you get your cup of coffee.”

“Thanks Phil. You don’t know how much I needed that.”

We got going and reached Romeo’s apartment in less than 30 minutes. We had some time so I thought I’d take it to try to wipe my mind clean in light of recent events. I talked to Phil about it, I wanted to make sure that he knows everything that’s going on so I won’t have to explain myself when things gets rough. It’s not like I’m planning to yield to the chief’s demands, but I need to make sure that someone has my back when the going gets rough.

“Well, that’s the way it is in the industry Marcus.  Not every crime is solvable.  Even if I was a clairvoyant I don’t think I could solve half the crimes passing through our office. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that. And there are some crimes that are more important than the others. Crimes that demands resolutions and convictions.”

“I understand Phil. But that doesn’t make the situation any less disgusting as it is. And for the record, I am not planning on crossing the line here. I just want to keep you in the loop of what is happening around here.”

“No problem man. I told you. I’ve got your back. You wanna cross a line? I’m all the way with you pal.”

“Thanks Man! Let’s just hope we won’t have to go that route.”

I caught the silhouette of a woman approaching our direction.  She must be around 5 foot 1, short hair, carrying a back pack and an over-sized notebook tucked between her arms.  ‘This must be Ms. Chan’, I said to myself.

“Ms. Chan. I’m Detective Marcus Gavin, I’m an officer in the National Bureau of Investigations. I hope this is a good time to ask you a couple of questions involving the Murder of Romeo Rosales.”

Ms. Chan looked up to me through her glasses and nodded silently while opening the door to her unit.

“Can I get you some coffee? Or something to drink?” she asked politely.

“We’re good Ms Chan. We just had coffee on the way.”

“Let me just drop my stuff, give me a couple of minutes.”

I smiled and nodded to let her know that we are not rushing in any way.  After all, I can clearly see how tired she must be just by looking at her face.

Phil gestured that he will just wait outside since he isn’t done smoking yet.  Which I perfectly understand, since it would be such a waste to throw away an unfinished stick of cigarette.  These little bastards went up from a less than 2 pesos per stick to almost 5 pesos per stick.  All due to the controversial “Sin tax” which was meant to discourage people from smoking.  Almost 4 years of implementation and I still don’t see it fulfilling its cause. As a matter of fact, I read an article on the internet claiming that the number of cigarettes sold after implementing the said law has almost doubled compared to the time before its implementation.  But hey, you know what they say, don’t believe everything you see on the internet.

“Sorry for the wait Mr. Gavin. How can I help?”

Ms. Chan sat down on the couch across the center table. Still wearing what appears to be a school teacher’s uniform and her pair of round eye glasses.

“Please, call me Marcus. I just have some questions. And thank you again for accommodating my request.”

“No Problem Mr. Gavin.”

I smiled and pulled out a tickler from my back pocket to start taking notes.

“How long have you been staying in this apartment Ms Chan?”

“It’s been over a year. I moved here the same time I landed a teaching job in one of the Public secondary schools nearby.”

“And what time do you usually work?”

“Usual schedule is 6AM – 12 Noon from Mondays to Fridays. But I also have some part time work from 3PM to 6PM on weekdays and 9AM – 11AM during weekends.”

“I hear ya’. Single job doesn’t make a living right?”

“Yes Mr. Gavin. Not when you have a couple of siblings to finance and debts to settle.”

“Yeah, the burden of lineage.  Anyways, given your schedule, it seems like you are out for more than 12 hours a day. Around what time do leave for work and arrive at home?”

“I leave around 5 in the morning, which means I wake up at around 3:30 and then arrive sometime between 7 and 8.”

“And earlier this morning, around the time you woke up to the time you left your apartment, did you hear or notice something unusual in the unit beside you?”

Ms. Chan swerved her head from left to right before answering the question.

“No. Nothing unusual.”

“How about the night before then?”

“Nothing. I was here starting Sunday noon and didn’t really notice anything.  As a matter of fact, I don’t recall seeing Romeo since last Friday.”

I knew that it was unlikely that the interview with Ms. Chan would give me any leads I could chase. But I had no idea that it would be an utter waste of time. Obviously, Ms. Chan is neck deep into work and doesn’t have time to socialize with her neighbors or anyone else for that matter.
“Let me ask you Ms. Chan, how was Romeo as a neighbor? I mean up to what extent were your interactions with him?”

“To be honest, we had zero to no interactions at all. I just know that he lives next door. But I’ve never really gotten into a conversation with him.  Now that I think about it, we never really talked at all.”

As I said, this was a complete waste of time.  I was about to end the questioning when Ms. Chan suddenly opened up a piece of information that may lead me somewhere.

“If it helps at all Mr. Gavin.  Romeo was a very reclusive person.  I have never seen anyone visiting him or ever heard him talk to anyone here.  But in the last couple of weeks I have started to hear him having a conversation with someone next door.  You know, not that I’m eavesdropping or something.  But the walls here aren’t exactly sound proof.   So it is easy to overhear some conversations.”

“I see.  And do you happen to know who this person was?”

“No.  Unfortunately I don’t.  All I know is that they’ve been going out together and that they were planning to live together.  That was the only thing that I can recall.”

This is great lead! I said to myself.  Knowing that Romeo had a partner definitely increased the odds of solving this case.  Now this case isn’t just about suicide or robbery; but it could very well be a case of domestic abuse or homicide.

“And have you ever seen that person Ms. Chan?”

Ms. Chan just shrugged her head and apologized that she could no longer provide any additional information.

“No problem Ms. Chan.  You have helped me by a great deal.  Knowing that Romeo had a partner is a key information that will get me a long way.”

“That is nice to hear Mr. Gavin.  I hope you find more information on the case.  I really hope you can put the person behind this to justice.  I may not have been friends with Romeo.  But that doesn’t mean that I am not saddened by what has happened to him.”

I paused for a while and took a second to think through what Ms. Chan just said.  ‘I may not have been friends with Romeo’.  Anywhere I go it is the Gay people who are the friendliest and are likely to be friends with the people around them.  Specially the female ones.  And seeing how Ms. Chan and Romeo are likely to be in the same age bracket… Well I am not saying that they should be friends, but why not?  They live next to each other after all.  I let the thought go and bid good bye to Ms. Chan after giving her my contact information.  I requested that she contact me just in case she stumbles upon any information that may be helpful.  She thanked me and wished me good luck before retiring to her apartment to rest.

I walked over to Phil who was waiting for me outside and was already burning another stick of cigarette.

“Done already Marcus?”

“Yeah.  Didn’t really get a lot.  However, I found out that Romeo was in a relationship with someone and they were planning to move in together.”

“Well that’s good news Marcus.  Maybe that person got into a fight with Romeo and it ended up with a bloody scuffle.  Which explains why none of his valuables were taken.”

“Oh I wish it was as easy as that Phil.  I really, really do my friend.  But it just doesn’t add up.  Why would Romeo write these letters then if that was the case?”

I pulled the envelopes out of the inner pocket of my jacket and showed it to Phil.

“I don’t know man.  Why don’t you open them up and see for yourself?”

“Oh yeah.  I’ve been holding off on that.  ‘Coz you know… I don’t want to make things too easy for us.  Besides, we haven’t really had the time to sit down and check these.  So what do you say we go back to the office and have these recorded and read?”

“Sounds good to me.  But I’m going home after that.”

We drove back to the office and headed straight to the evidence room to have the letters recorded.  We both know that chain of custody has been broken because I didn’t submit these letters right away.  But no one here will ever make a fuzz about that.  The thing that most people don’t understand is that there are so many factors that may hinder investigators to follow what is in the book at all times.  And sometimes the same law that we promised to uphold is also the same law that hinders us from doing what we have to do to execute it.  Sometimes, law and order becomes shackles rather than weapons.  Sometimes they restrain you rather than empower you.  And sometimes, it is the very law itself that lets the bad guys walk because it restricted the good guys too much.  So no, not a single one of those sitting behind the desk in the office dared to question me when I said that we went back to the crime scene and found these letters.

Phil and I then moved to my desk and started to examine the envelopes.  The ink smears were still there and were clearly visible if you look closely.  I took extra care not to touch it as I opened the letter that was addressed towards Romeo’s landlord, Mr. Santos.

Romeo’s letter to Mr. Santos

Mr. Santos,
I would like to inform you that this will be my last month here in your apartment.  While I did not exactly feel welcome during my stay, I would still like to thank you for allowing me to stay here. 

I have included this month’s rent along with my arrears from last month in this letter.  I hope you can finally sleep well at night since I have now settled my debts.  Perhaps this will now stop you from slamming your fists on my door every 9 in the morning when I am just about to sleep.

I understand that this is the only source of income that you have.  But what I don’t understand is why you have to be so cruel to me.  I promised you that I will pay the rent as soon as I can.  It just so happened that I got sick and I needed money to pay for my medication.  It was just 3000 pesos and all you had to do was wait for my next payday which was due in 2 weeks.  But that wasn’t good enough for you? Right?

You had to go about and humiliate me by shouting at me from outside the door.  You told everyone here that I don’t pay my rent on time when in fact this was the first time I have ever been late in my payments.  I always knew that there was something more than just the rent.  That was the first time that I have failed to pay rent, but you have treated me with disgust ever since you found out that I am gay.  You hate us Mr. Santos!  You are one of those shallow minded people who still doesn’t accept us for who we are.  That explains why you didn’t tell me about the fumigation 2 months ago.  You knew very well that I keep my window open whenever I sleep during the day.  Yet you didn’t even bother to tell me about it.  Did you know that I almost suffocated on that day?  Or did you really want that to happen?  I had to hide in the toilet just to keep myself from inhaling more of those harmful chemicals.

Do you also remember the time I asked you to put your dog on leash? All the while I thought you have never put him on a leash before.  I politely asked you because he kept on barking at me every time I go down to go to work at night.  There were even several instances when he chased me and almost bit me.  You know what I found out?  It seems like you have been putting him on a leash all along.  You were just taking them off during the night, intentionally setting your dog loose on me!  Why would you that? What have I ever done to you to be treated this way?  Did I offend you in any way? Or is it because of the way I look? Or my gender?  What is your problem with me you fucking asshole?

Did you know that you have made my life here miserable? I hated every day that I have to go back to this apartment because you had to be such a dick and treat me like a piece of shit.  And all because of what? Because you can’t wrap your head around the idea of people being gay? Are you really that dense?

I really wish that this will finally give you the peace of mind you so obviously need.  After all, the threat you have made earlier today made it more than clear that I have to leave as soon as possible.  Perhaps it is really no longer safe for me to stay here.

I will go now Mr. Santos.  I will go... but not before telling you that you are a fucking ass hole you good-for-nothing, discriminating old piece of shit!

Fuck you!

Phil turned his head slowly towards me as if he has seen a ghost.

“Holy shit Marcus. This is spot on.”

“I know Phil.  His alibi was shaky and even if this doesn't seem like a clear motive, the things written here simply can't be overlooked.  And what threat was Romeo referring to?"

He stood up and lit a stick of cigarette for what seems like the 25th time for this day before turning his attention back to me.

“Do you want me to take him in for questioning?”

I shook my head and looked at the cash that was enclosed within the envelope.

“No Phil.  Let’s deal with that later.  For now, I need you to check our database if this guy has any records.”

Phil nodded and left my office to do as asked while I was left alone to wonder what I else the other 2 letters would reveal to me.

“God damn son of a bitch.  It seems like I will have a suspect at the end of the day after all.”

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